Needle core biopsy report: All cores demonstrated a dense fibrous tissue with some hypertrophic lobules. The NCB was reported in category B2.
FNAC: Surprisingly, the smears showed obvious malignant epithelial cells with highly pleomorphic nuclei. The FNAC was reported in category C5.
Triple assessment:
- Clinic: palpation suspicious.
- Mammography: benign findings.
- Ultrasound: benign findings.
- NCB: representative (!), adequate, benign, B2.
- FNAC : representative, adequate, malignant C5.
Ccl: Cytology corrects the false-negative results of NCB that were not representative for the lesion.
Surgery and Histology report: Presence of an extensive DCIS with invasive foci and axillary lymph node metastasis.
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Copyright 1999, The Author(s) and/or The Publisher(s)
Organisation: FORPATH asbl |
Coordination: Dr Bernard Van den Heule |
Host: Labo CMP |